Black Friday is the most expected and happy day for greatest deals, for shopping with huge discounts from almost every online store. So, be prepaired to stay online a very long time to get your favourite smartphone at -20%, -40%, -70%, even -90% discount prices: Samsung Galaxy Note 4, Galaxy Note Edge, Galaxy S5, iPhone 6, iPhone 6Plus and many other high performance gadgets.
Samsung Galaxy Note Edge discount on Black Friday
It's the best high performance smartphone in nowadays and usually it's sold at high prices around United States (also on most countries). It doesn't matter if you order it as an unlocked smartphone or via a monthly plan from main mobile carriers - it's very expensive!!!So, keep in mind that on Black Friday you have the unique chance to order Galaxy Note Edge at huge discounts - TIP: check for several times on that day to be sure you can get the biggest discount.
Samsung Galaxy Note 4
It's considered by almost all gadgets owners as the 2nd best smartphone (phablet) at this moment. It's specs are very close to Note Edge, but there are important differences related to the performance and it offers a high (but standard) satisfaction user experience. Also, it's more cheaper, but you can get Galaxy Note 4 even more cheaper on Black Friday.
iPhone 6 Plus
It's considered 3rd best smartphone at the moment. I know it had a huge advertising budget to make people believe that it's the best gadget of the year, but... especially due to it's dual-core processor, low RAM and low improvements in the latest version of iOS, it's not the best. Anyway, don't be dissapointed because it's still considered a high performance gadget and for an iPhone fan it's more than the perfect choice. So, keep checking for an iPhone 6 Plus great deal on BF.Samsung Galaxy S5
Even it has several months since it's sold on U.S. markets, it's considered 4th best smartphone of the year. I know that many competitors brought to us many high performance gadgets, even superior in specs, but globally (hardware, software, user experience, very low lags, and other criterias), it's still number 4 best smartphone in 2014...
I know it's already cheap on markets as unlocked version or with a monthly plan from many mobile carriers, but I consider it the greatest possible deal as a gift for a close friend, family members, employees, etc. So, stay close and check for several times in day to hunt the biggest Galaxy S5 discount on Black Friday.
Good Luck and please leave a comment (on our Google+ page) about your new gadget experience!